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Do Blue Tangs and Clownfish Get Along? We Examined!!


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Sea creatures replicating terrestrial animals is the most fascinating aspect of the world of animals. Thus the mirror views an image of the flower “forget-me-not” and of the fabric design of the animal world: “Zebra” are Blue tangs and Clownfish, respectively. Therefore the resonance of these two spheres of the earth fascinated mundane life while some of you might be wondering, “Do Blue tangs and Clownfish get along?” therefore, we are here to help you clear the coast of this labyrinth argumentation while discussing conflicts, barriers, pros and cons of the Blue Tang and Clownfish co-existence.

Can Blue Tangs and Clownfish Coexist in the Same Aquarium?

The infuriating query awaits an answer. Hence, we are bringing you the clarity of these two creatures through an elaborate answer. Can blue tangs and Clownfish coexist in the same aquarium? The simplest and the most direct answer is: they can. There are millions of reasons explaining why they can live together. Therefore we are going to present some of the main reasons why they are capable of living together.

  1. They both can be found in the same sea ground in the wild.
  2. They both need the same water quality to survive.
  3. Both need a similar tank set up to be domestic pets.
  4. Similar diets.

What is the Natural Relationship Between Blue Tangs and Clownfish?

The combination of luscious blue and stripped orange would be magnificent if blue tangs and Clownfish were in a long-term relationship, expecting a festive marriage and little kiddos. However, until now, in the history of time, this divine dream has been a fantasy land. 

The Clownfish and Blue Tang relationship is similar to the relationship between a bully and a victim. Clownfish often tend to buy the blue tangs though the blue tangs grow much bigger than Clownfish. However, this bullying stops once they get comfortable with each other and coexist in the ocean peacefully. 

As Blue Tangs grow much bigger than Clownfish, they often need more space for survival, while Clownfish seem to enjoy the corners filled with coral reefs; hence why the two types of fish cannot be kept together. They often seem to mind their business in their territory, sharing the same space.

Are Blue Tangs and Clownfish Compatible in Terms of Temperament?

The temperament of Blue Tangs and Clownfish appear compatible and similar as they share many similarities. Both these marvelous seas can be found in the Indo – Pacific Ocean. At the same time, they both adore the warm rush of salt water. While they both exist in a similar environment, Blue Tang also seems to be the protector of the Clownfish habitat. 

Blue Tangs are known as a safety guard for the sea and the life of coral reefs as the omnivorous creature supports the ocean ecosystem by eating away the algae that are invested in the surface of the coral reef.

Thus, they protect the coral reef, the official habitat and safe ground for Clownfish. Moreover, both species are semi-aggressive and sometimes seem to buy each other. However, with time and proper care for each fish, they are a real match under their temperament.

What Factors should be Considered Before Keeping Blue Tangs and Clownfish Together? 

Maintaining a balance of life is tiring work, even for humans themselves. Thus maintaining a healthy and balanced life for their pet fish will be much tiring if they do not properly understand the special factors that should be taken seriously before settling down a Blue Tang and a Clownfish together. Here we will cite some main factors one should consider when making breeding grounds for various fish. The factors include,

  1. You must investigate the temperature of the water as the species are more likely to adore slightly warm water.
  2. You will notice that both fish are compatible with the ph range 8.0 – 8.40 as you check the pH range.
  3. Moreover, you should check the alkalinity of the water that they are in
  4. You must consider the tank size tolerable to both species when you select the tank.
  5. Comprehend the care level of both species.

Are There any Specific Tank Requirements for Housing Blue Tangs and Clownfish Together? 

Creating a safe environment for both fish is crucial as we settle them in the same space and expect them to be pals for life. Hence why the criteria mentioned above are crucial to take notice of. Now, as it is the home of the fish, we must plan to purchase the best tank for both the fish.

Expecting long-term health, the professionals have recommended that the tank size for two Blue Tangs be 100-129 gallons as they can grow up to 12 inches. At the same time, they have the probability of becoming aggressive to other fish. As a result, it would be better to start from a 100-gallon tank. 

When considering Clownfish, they normally align with a tank of 30 gallons or 120 liters. As Clown fish normally prefer coral environments, installing some corals for the well-being of the fish while maintaining the pH range of 8.0-8.4 is a must.

What are Some Potential Challenges of Keeping Clown Fish and Blue Tangs Together? 

Harmonizing two families together is always a tricky situation to be in the middle of. Subsequently, harmonizing the Blue Tang and Clownfish species in the same domestic environment will be filled with ups and downs. Now we will discuss some downs or challenges you will inevitably face. Thus the challenges are as follows.

  1. The tank environment should be special and filled with corals, live rocks, and sand. This might become a challenge as the species prefer two habitats with the same water requirements. Blue tangs can transmit diseases to Clownfish.
  2. Moreover, as the Blue Tang fish are popular for their semi-aggressive feature, they can also sting the Clownfish.
  3. Maintenance of the tank will be a hardship if you seem to have a strict schedule.

These factors might be challenging if you hope to settle both fish in the same space. 

How Can I Introduce Blue Tangs and Clownfish to Minimize Stress and Aggression? 

There are billions and trillions of ways to introduce a newbie to the tank while calming down the stressed and aggressive fish. Therefore you must first acknowledge that stress and aggression are not good signs for healthy fish as they seem to dwell on the stress and the aggression. Therefore, it would help to consider following the steps to reduce stress and aggression toward the newbie.

  1. The mirror picture procedure
  2. Rearranging the physical structure of the interior tank.
  3. Removing the aggressive fish first.

Following the above methods will work wonders as the fish do not notice the newbie as much.

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