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Do Goldfish Eat Other Fish? – Factors & Prevention Techniques


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Goldfish are one of the world’s most popular and beloved pet fish. They are easy to care for, colorful, and fun to watch. But do goldfish eat other fish? This is a common question for pet owners who want to keep goldfish with other types of fish in a community tank. In this article, we will explore whether goldfish eat other fish and how to prevent it from happening.

Do goldfish eat other fish? Understanding goldfish behavior

Goldfish are omnivorous animals. They eat both plant and animal matter. Goldfish feed on aquatic plants, algae, insects, worms, crustaceans, and small fish in the wild. In captivity, goldfish can eat various foods, such as flakes, pellets, frozen or live foods, vegetables, and fruits.

However, goldfish are not natural predators and do not actively hunt other fish. They are more likely to scavenge or nibble on anything that can fit in their mouth, including dead or dying fish, fish eggs, or fish fry (baby fish). Goldfish may also bite or nip at the fins or scales of other fish out of curiosity or aggression. Therefore, whether goldfish eat other fish depends on several factors.

do gold fish eat other fish

The size of the goldfish

Larger goldfish can swallow smaller fish whole or tear them apart with their teeth. Smaller goldfish may be unable to eat other fish but may still injure them by biting.

The size of the other fish

Smaller fish are more vulnerable to being eaten by goldfish than larger fish. Similar or larger fish than goldfish are less likely to be seen as food.

The type of the other fish

Some fish are more suitable for living with goldfish than others. Fish that are fast-moving, peaceful, and hardy can coexist with goldfish better than slow-moving, aggressive, or delicate fish.

The hunger of the goldfish

Hungry goldfish are more likely to eat other fish than well-fed goldfish. You should feed goldfish once or twice a day with a balanced diet that meets their nutritional needs.

The temperament of the goldfish

Some goldfish are more aggressive or territorial than others. Goldfish may attack other fish if they feel threatened or stressed by them. Goldfish may also compete for food or space with other fish.

The behavior of the other fish

Some fish may provoke or annoy goldfish by nipping at their fins or stealing their food. Other fish may be shy and hide from goldfish. Fish that have similar behavior and activity levels as goldfish can get along better with them.

How to Prevent Goldfish from Eating Other Fish?

If you want to keep goldfish in a community tank with other fish species, there are some steps you can take to prevent them from eating other fish:

do gold fish eat other fish

Choose compatible tank mates.

Not all fish can live peacefully with goldfish.

  • Avoid keeping fish smaller than the goldfish’s mouth, such as guppies, neon tetras, or shrimp.
  • Also, avoid fish with long or flowing fins, such as bettas, angelfish, or fancy guppies, as the goldfish may nip at them.
  • Some good choices for goldfish tank mates are rosy barbs, zebra danios, white cloud mountain minnows, and other hardy and fast-moving fish.

Provide enough space and hiding places.

Goldfish need a plenty of space to swim and grow. A good rule is to have at least 20 gallons of water for each goldfish and even more.

    • A spacious tank will reduce stress and aggression among the fish and allow them to establish their territories. It will also help maintain good water quality and oxygen levels, which are essential for the health of the fish.
    • Additionally, provide plenty of hiding places for the fish to retreat if they feel threatened or stressed. You can use plants, rocks, driftwood, caves, or ornaments to create a natural and comfortable environment for your fish.

Feed your goldfish adequately and regularly.

Goldfish have a big appetite and eat whatever they see in their tank. If they don’t receive enough food or aren’t fed frequently enough, they may even start eating other fish or their eggs. To avoid this, feeding your goldfish twice a day with high-quality goldfish food such as pellets or flakes is essential. You can give them occasional treats like bloodworms, brine shrimp, peas, or lettuce. Just be sure only to feed them what they can eat in a few minutes and remove any leftover food from the tank.

Monitor your fish’s behavior and health.

Goldfish may sometimes eat other fish if they are sick or injured. On the other hand, if a goldfish suffers from conditions like fin rot or fungus, it may become more aggressive and attack other fish. That’s why it’s essential to keep a close eye on your fish’s behavior and health and watch for any signs of sickness or injury. If you see any unusual symptoms such as lack of energy, loss of appetite, clamped fins, red streaks, white spots, or open wounds, separate the affected fish and treat them as needed.

do gold fish eat other fish

Separate the breeding pairs and fry.

Goldfish are prolific breeders and will spawn when the water temperature rises in spring or summer. However, they are also notorious for eating their eggs and fry if they are not separated from them.

If you want to breed your goldfish successfully, you must set up a separate breeding tank with a sponge filter and plenty of plants for the eggs to attach to. After the eggs hatch, feed the baby fish with infusoria or liquid fry food until they’re big enough to eat crushed flakes or pellets. You must also perform frequent water changes to keep the water clean and prevent ammonia buildup.


Do goldfish eat other fish? Goldfish are not naturally inclined to eat other fish, but certain conditions can cause them to do so. By understanding their behavior and taking steps to create a peaceful environment, you can prevent goldfish from eating other fish. Following this article’s advice, you can help your goldfish live happily with others.

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