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Reeling in the Big One: The Record Tuna Catch In Gibraltar


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Hey there, fellow fishing fanatics! If you’re like me, you’ve dreamt of that ultimate catch – the one that becomes a legend in your local community. Well, the waters of Gibraltar have recently been home to a catch that’s already creating quite the splash. So, grab your favorite fishing hat, and let’s dive right into this Record-Breaking Bluefin Tuna tale!

A Family Affair

Every year, Gibraltar opens its beautiful waters to local fishermen, giving them the chance to fish for the majestic Bluefin Tuna. But when the catches start making waves (literally and figuratively), the government usually has to step in to protect the fish stocks.

This year’s showstopper? The locally renowned Mason family, comprising two brothers and their ever-so-skilled father, teamed up with their buddy, Marcos Karim Belkhir. Together, they accomplished what most of us only dream of – they pulled in an astonishing 376-kilogram Bluefin tuna right off the shores of Gibraltar! Kudos, guys!

A Twist in the Tale: Tuna For Sale?

Now, what caught my eye next was a flurry of social media posts. Locals offering chunks of tuna for sale in Gibraltar, all for the cool price of US $13 per kilo. While I’m always up for some fresh seafood, there’s a catch (pun intended) when it comes to selling.

Gibraltar’s Government, always on its toes, stepped in to clarify the rules of the game. Selling fish, especially a catch like Bluefin Tuna, isn’t as simple as snapping a pic and putting up a sale sign.

  • The Selling Scoop:
    • Once up for grabs, the fish transforms into a food product, meaning food safety laws come into play. We all want our meals safe, right?
    • For any catering establishments or ambitious home chefs, the guidelines are crystal clear:
      1. Process the tuna only in registered food premises. Cutting it up willy-nilly anywhere exposes it to contamination risks. Get it wrong, and you might just have some stern Environmental Health Officers knocking on your door!
      2. Wrap up those delicious portions in food-grade material ASAP.
      3. Before cooking or selling, the tuna needs a cold nap:
        • Either chill at –20°C for a solid 24 hours
        • Or go extreme at –35°C for 15 hours.
  • Safety First: A Fishy Warning
    • Fans of fish (myself included) should be cautious. The Scrombridae family, housing our beloved tuna, can play host to histamine (Scombrotoxin) food poisoning. And trust me; you wouldn’t know from the taste or smell alone. Cooking can halt histamine, but it won’t magically make existing toxins disappear. Nobody wants to wrestle with Scombroid food poisoning after a hearty meal.
    • Oh, and if sushi’s your thing, be wary of the potential parasites lurking. It’s essential to handle and prepare the fish properly to keep our plates and palates safe.

In Closing: Fish, Fun, & Food Safety

Well, that’s the whirlwind tale of the Record-Breaking Bluefin Tuna catch in Gibraltar! It’s stories like these that fuel my passion and keep me casting my line, hoping for my own legendary catch.

Till our next fishing adventure, stay safe, fish responsibly, and may your reels always be lucky!

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