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A Touching Story About Bob And His Master Superstar!


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Here’s a lovely collection of pictures. We are sure that anyone who sees these would surely scroll down to see the rest of the details. One reason is that they are a lovely, cute tabby cat. Cats are very popular as one of the cutest species of animals. The other reason is that these pictures are not just ordinary pictures of a man and a cat. They have a very interesting story lying underneath. Let’s see what it is!

So, this is Bob. He is not an ordinary cat but one who can change a person’s destiny. His master is a street musician, James Bowen, and he found Bob the stay cat once upon a time!

James Bowen lived in London, but he did not have a permanent place to call home. He lived on the run! His profession is music but was a street player who played his guitar at various places in town. One day you would see him here and the other day there! And some days at a different part of the city. With his life being very unstable, the last thing he needed was a pet to look after which is surely another burden. But all his intentions and plans about the future changed when he saw this injured stray cat. It was probably another cat attack, and this poor tabby cat could not move. James who is full of empathy could not walk away. So he took this injured creature under his wing not having a clue that his life was about to expect a major change. 

Soon he took the cat to the vet and treated the wounds immediately. Though he was financially not well off to treat the cat, his love for the animal was much deeper. James was able to give the cat the necessary medication before it was too late. James was able to heal the cat, and he decided to let him go as it was now fit enough to look after itself. But that was not the intention of Bob, the cat. Bob did not want to get separated from James. Bob started following everywhere just like letting him know how much it is thankful for saving its life. 

So James decided to keep his companion by his side when he performed in the street. Soon he experienced the difference and realised that people no longer ignored him or his performances. They started paying attention to him. Bob the cat simply caught the attention of everyone. And people enjoyed the performance and did not forget a generous contribution. The relationship between the duo was very strong and it was a sweet sight to see. 

Last year James was able to publish a book A Stray Cat Called Bob with a sub titled How a Man and a Cat Found Hope on the Street. To the surprise of everyone including James, the book became the best seller of the year. 

It was simple! The book has descriptive incidents about his advantages with the cat. Some are funny, and some are very dramatic. Thanks to Bob James life was never the same. He found the perfect companion and partner who was ever faithful to James. And we are sure it must be the same for Bob the cat as well! You never know what plans the future has for you! So stay tuned for more.

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