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Why Boaters Slow Down While Passing Recreational Fishing Boats


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If Why Boaters Slow Down While Passing Recreational Fishing Boats you need a spice-up in your regular vacations, a fishing trip in a recreational fishing boat is an excellent mood changer that adds a thrilling vibe for many. Usually, these trips are accompanied by a licensed captain and a guide. If you have been on such a journey, sometimes you should have noticed how the fishing vessels slow down neat your boat. Why should boaters slow down while passing recreational fishing boats? This should be a question that popped up in your mind. Let’s get it solved. 

Why should Boaters Slow Down While Passing Recreational Fishing Boats? 

Fishing boats may have several lines made with ropes and nets around them, and there is a possibility of tangling and colliding with those. Therefore, slowing down and passing the area while maintaining adequate distance is done as a practice. 

On the other hand, it is essential to present wakes. This is regarding the safety of the passengers in the recreational boat. They may be engaged in a fishing activity using sharp objects and may not be aware of sudden wakes. If such a wave comes up, there is a high chance of falling into the water and getting hurt or injured. The fishing boats slow down near recreational fishing boats to avoid these accidents. 

Another reason is the size of the recreational fishing boats. As these are not made for the mere purpose of fishing for trade, most recreational boats are smaller than the usual fishing boats in the water for commercial purposes. Hence, recreational boats are not able to maintain a balanced state if they are subjected to more giant waves. There is a high chance of capsizing. So, the larger and heavier fishing boats always slow down whenever they see a group on a fishing tour. 

What happens when the boaters do not slow down when passing a recreational fishing boat? 

Recreational fishing boats are a smaller type when compared with commercial fishing boats, and some may lack enough lighting and signals to make them identify in water. This will create an endangered situation as the larger boats could not recognize and signal the recreational boat until they came too close to each other. Therefore, larger boats always need to be extra cautious when they are in the water for the safety of smaller boats. 

The two may collide when a huge fishing boat unknowingly comes towards a smaller recreational boat, leaving less time for a safe turn. There may be a massive risk to the lives of the passengers on board. It will also damage the boats. The damage could be severe if the people who were fishing used sharpened knives or fishing rods. 

How Can I Avoid Collision with a Recreational Boat? 

If you are in a large fishing boat, constant observation of the surrounding is crucial to avoid unfortunate instances. Observation is the only way to identify the smaller boats from enough distance and avoid collisions. It could be a recreational fishing boat if you see some fishing equipment, nets, or people with fishing poles. 

If you notice such boats on a fishing tour, you must appoint someone to observe the path of that particular boat. If you are surpassing a recreational boat, you must allow a wide space for the boat as their movements cannot be predicted.  

How Should You Pass a Recreational Fishing Boat? 

Overtaking in water must be done more carefully than when driving on the road. The general rule of thumb is that one boat should become give way and allow the other boat to pass at a safe distance. Most importantly, the two boats must communicate and adjust the timing. 

 As per the directions of the US coast guard, if you are passing a recreational fishing boat, you must pass it on its left side or the port side. This will make the ports sides of the two boats face each other when passing. We recommend to signal the other vessel with a horn only once. 

If you see that the fishing lines and nets of the recreational boat are spread on its left side, there comes an exception to this rule. On such occasions, you must surpass the boat from its right side (starboard side). Before starting to move toward them, you must signal to them that you are going to use the starboard side for the passing. Here, honking twice is the standard signal. Expect the same signal from the recreational boat. Once they honked back twice, you are ready to pass the recreational boat. Do not go for quick movements or changes in direction. 

Proper communication is a must. Often fishing boats use radio communication. If you do not receive their signal back, stay until they recognize you. If they are telling you to pass them, make sure you do the passing, maintaining a wide distance between the boats. This action is must to reduce the power of the wakes. Use your lowest speed when passing a recreational fishing boat, as the higher speeds make it so much wavy. These waves may be strong enough to turn the other boat upside down and create accidents. 

How to Ask for Help if a Recreational Boat is in Distress? 

It is urgent to contact the coast guard station or local authority in charge of this kind of situation. You can use radio communication, the boats’ signals, or the phone to communicate. 

Conclusion  If you are in a larger fishing boat and need to surpass a recreational fishing boat smaller than your boat, there are standard methods and precautions you must follow. Maintaining a wide distance between the boats, using the port side for the passing, and proper communication are some significant aspects that need your attention. Refer to the article and find out more on the topic.

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